Published inJavaScript in Plain EnglishHow to C.R.U.D. in Next.js using Server ActionsBuilding a full CRUD app in Next.js 13/14 using Server Actions, the app will leverage MongoDB, React Hook Form, Zod, Tailwind, Daisy UINov 3, 20231Nov 3, 20231
Published inJavaScript in Plain EnglishUpload a file to AWS S3 in Next.js using Presigned URL with AWS SDK v3Using Presigned URL to upload object to an AWS S3 bucket, how to configure S3, IAM and code a small demo in Next.jsJul 14, 20231Jul 14, 20231
Published inDev GeniusManage Cookie Consent in Next.js 13 with Google Tag ManagerA guide on how to get Cookie Consent from the user in a Next.js 13 project using App router with server component and handle it with the…Jul 13, 20231Jul 13, 20231
Published inJavaScript in Plain EnglishSelf Hosting a Nodejs App on a VPS with CI/CDStep by step guide on deploying a Nodejs App on a VPS, with PM2, Niginx reverse proxy, Let’s EncryptJul 11, 2023Jul 11, 2023
Published inDev GeniusUsing Google Fonts in Next.js 13 with Tailwind CSSAmong the new features in Next.js 13, one of the optimization is Font optimization via next/font that can work with both local and Google…Jun 26, 2023Jun 26, 2023
Published inJavaScript in Plain EnglishManaging persistent States in Nextjs with Redux ToolkitLearn how to implement Redux Toolkit in Nextjs with theory and examples, including state persistanceJun 4, 20233Jun 4, 20233
Published inJavaScript in Plain EnglishBuild an Authenticated API Service with Next.js API Routes & Upstash RedisA tutorial on how to build a minimal but fully functional authenticated Rest API service, leveraging Next.js API Routes & Upstash Redis.Sep 7, 2022Sep 7, 2022
Published inJavaScript in Plain EnglishNext.js Middleware: How it Works and 5 Real Use CasesNext.js Middleware — how it works and 5 examples of real use cases.Sep 5, 2022Sep 5, 2022
Published inDev GeniusWrite a simple Telegram Bot in Next.jsCreate a Bot in Telegram and control it using Next.js API RoutesSep 3, 20221Sep 3, 20221